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the 17 goals

the 17 goals

the 17 goals

Regular price R$ 484.720,18 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 563.569,82 BRL
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the 17 goals

Discover how the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are shaping the future of our planet and the actions we can take to create a more sustainable world.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere

Ranging from eradicating hunger and achieving gender equality to ensuring sustainable consumption and combating climate change, these goals provide a roadmap for a better future

Dive deep into each goal, understanding the challenges and opportunities they present, and learn how individuals, communities, and governments can work together to achieve these ambitious targets

Join the global movement towards a more sustainable and equitable world today!

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